Controller question

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Controller question

Post by Scrat » Sat Aug 03, 2013 8:59 pm


just putting the electric system for my class 216 back together.

Does anyone of you have a Joystick controller with centre-off position? I am looking for schematics as I intend to build a controller that looks more like the driver´s dashboard.

-centre position - off
-up and down position to gradually increase/decrease speed
-pin-compatible replacement for the standard analogue potentiometer

I found several digital pots on the net but the datasheets of the ones I found state power-up position is 50% position. This would mean the loco would move at half speed at power-up. There are also some that store the last position at power-off. This would normally be zero, so no problem, but what if it was powered down by some fault? It would be hard to re-activate after having been disconnected at any setting different from zero.

Deadman´s switch and active brake are handled separate subsystems. All I need is that joystick and the proper schematics to make it act like the potentiometer.
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