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Durbar plating

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:41 am
by Dave Noble
I need some 5" gauge Durbar plating for a current project. Does anyone know where I can get any?

I tried the Tamiya stuff, nicely etched, but far too coarse.

If there is no current supplier, I can get some etched on 1/2mm nickel silver at £25 for a piece 300 x 150mm (plus carriage) if anyone else is interested.

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Re: Durbar plating

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:56 pm
by Dave Noble
As no-one seemed able to help, I've had some etched in stainless. It's soft soldered to the signal platform frame, and using phosphoric acid flux it tinned without any trouble at all. The bolt heads are 10BA.

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