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Hello all

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:03 am
by Adrian Morris
Hi all,
A quick hello to introduce myself,I am Adrian Morris,I have been a GL5 member for some years,I very much enjoy my model engineering,though as many of us are I am limited by available time.
Myself and my son Mackenzie (12) are in the final stages of building a 7-plank wagon,Doug was kind enough to let Mack loose with a shunting pole at one event a couple of years ago and he was 'hooked' for life!
I have been to a few of the rallies at Gilling though not really 'actively involved' I have always enjoyed the events.
We are heading to Gilling this weekend,hopefully for saturday afternoon and sunday,so camera charged and raincoats at the ready...

Re: Hello all

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 9:22 am
by richardw
Welcome Adrian, make yourself known at Gilling at the weekend and Muck in it is much more fun if you get involved, no experience required just a willingness to learn from the inevitable mistakes!

Re: Hello all

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:35 pm
by Adrian Morris
Thankyou Richard,myself and Mack will make ourselves known at Gilling and we look forward to learning as much as possible.
Currently frantically trying to put the finishing touches to our first wagon and get some paint applied,in the hope that we can bring it along!