How many carriages behind the guard's compartment

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How many carriages behind the guard's compartment

Post by Admin » Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:01 am

In Haresnape's Railway Liveries BR Steam, on page 36, is a picture of V3 67620 about to leave Darlington with a train for Richmond. It is Colour Rail photo BRE445 which can be viewed on the internet (use the loco number in their search).
The train consists of two Gresley steel twins, ie 4 bodies, and as far as I can tell, the first twin is Dia 269, brake third and lavatory third, with the brake end attached to the loco. These carriages were built for the Darlington to Saltburn service. Assuming the other twin is from the same 'family', then going by the visible compartments, it must consist of two lavatory composites to Dia 271.
This means there are what we would probably consider three carriages behind the guard. What was the ruling on this, it would seem to be pushing the 'no more that 8 axles behind the guard's vehicle' to the limit.
Bob Willis
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Re: How many carriages behind the guard's compartment

Post by Bob Willis » Tue Jun 07, 2022 3:25 pm

I am unable to give an authorised comment on this, But....

I can remember in the late 50's early 60's being on Darlington station and seeing occasionally an EP heading to London with a BSK or BSO at the front next to the loco and that was the guards van, only ordinary coaches at the rear and this would be a rake of 10 coaches or more.

So where is the 8 axle rule written down ???

Richmond is a dead end station so unless a guards van at each end then its not possible to have the guard at the rear..
Bob Willis
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