Hi Folks,
just putting my Minx back together after working on the motion.
The previous owner turned it into a Southern loco.
Where can I buy matching headlamps for this loco?
Best regards
PS will spend 3 weeks in the UK, starting next Sunday
Re: LBSC Minx
j tipton does a good range of lamps and as there hollow they are easy to convert to working lamps.
Re: LBSC Minx
Hi Alan,
thanks for the info. Is there any website? I tried google and found lots of Tiptons, but not the one I was looking for.
Best regards
thanks for the info. Is there any website? I tried google and found lots of Tiptons, but not the one I was looking for.
Best regards
Re: LBSC Minx
j tipton advertises in turnout [ or he did ] but i dont think he has a website.